Unity 3d forum code#
Unity 3d forum full#
~33% up: pitch up full speed (sens is locked at 3, making 33% maxed I suppose) ~ANY% down: pitch up full speed (sudden break value-wise) ~%ANY down: no movement (sudden break value-wise) I can't seem to adjust cInput_indAxSens_h nor cInput_indAxGrav_h in the registry, it always sets them back to 3. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IntravenousSoftware\NeonXSZ (sudden break 'value-wise', but not 'bit-wise') when maximum input (32767=0x7FFF) is applied it thinks input is near at rest when half-max input (16383=0x3FFF) is applied it thinks you're pushing half-min when at rest input (0=0x0000) is applied it thinks you're pushing minimum when half-min input (-16385=0xBFFF) is applied it thinks you're pushing half-max when minimum input (-32768=0x8000) is applied it thinks input is at rest

when maximum input (65535=0xFFFF) is applied it thinks input is near rest (0xFFFF is interpreted as -1)Ĭase2: if RawInput is -32768 to 32767, and they thought it was 0 to 65535 when half-max input (49151=0xBFFF) is applied it thinks you're pushing half-min (0xBFFF is interpreted as -16384) when at rest input (32767=0x7FFF) is applied it thinks you're pushing maximum when half-min input (16383=0x3FFF) is applied it thinks you're pushing half-max when minimum input (0=0x0000) is applied it thinks input is at rest I'm thinking what if Unit圓D guessed wrong about the integer being signed or unsigned for this device.īy not giving game developers access to the 'raw RawInput', rather to their interpretation of the RawInput, perhaps game developer's wont be able to compensate due to lost information.Ĭase1: if RawInput is 0 to 65535, and they thought it was -32768 to 32767

2 byte integers (signed or unsigned?) Unit圓D then converts to -1 to 1 floats or doubles. It will convert the raw values to -1 to +1, I assume floating point.ĪFAIK RawInput values are unprocessed values straight from USB HID.

There's another Unit圓D cinput2 6DOF game coming as well While NeonXSZ does use cinput2, I'm not sure which version. What got me into this was that I was trying to configure this new 6DOF game (still in development) that uses the Unit圓D engine: I found another extension called cinput2.
Unity 3d forum driver#
Unless the driver can issue commands to the firmware, and the firmware then configures input that it then sends down the USB wire? I suppose this has an advantage over RawInput in that the 3DX driver can configure the input, while accessing RawInput bypasses 3DX's driver entirely? Glancing at the github source it appears that Hightree is using 3DX's own API using TDxInput.dll rather than RawInput provided by the Unity engine. Hightree apparently wrote a UnityEditor extension, perhaps this can be easily ported to the Player portion? I've recently found out that Unit圓D uses RawInput, not DirectInput: